1. Scientific Vision of the S1 Management Study Program FE Untidar:
To produce young entrepreneurs and professionals in the field of finance/human resource management/marketing who are competent, innovative, and oriented towards sustainable business development, with the ability to compete at the Southeast Asian level and be responsive to the needs of the industry and society.
2. Profile of graduates of the S1 Management Study Program FE Untidar:
a. Young entepreneur. :
Graduates who have the competence to pioneer and develop businesses independently with management science-based innovations. They are equipped with skills in identifying business opportunities, creating sustainable business plans, and making optimal use of resources to create new value in the market.
b. Financial management professionals. :
Graduates who are ready to become professionals in financial management, have the analytical and strategic ability to manage company finances in a sustainable manner. They are able to make decisions that are data-driven and support the achievement of the organization’s financial goals, with an emphasis on innovation in financial strategy.
c. Human resource management professionals. :
Graduates who are able to manage human resources in organizations with a strategic approach that supports sustainable business development. They have competencies in recruitment, employee development, performance management, and succession planning, as well as ensuring employee well-being is aligned with innovative business goals.
d. Marketing professionals. :
Graduates who are experts in designing and executing innovative marketing strategies, with a focus on business sustainability. They have the ability to understand consumer behavior, develop brands, and utilize digital technology and data analysis to achieve a competitive advantage in the global market.